Sunday, August 31, 2008


Last Saturday I met Kiefer,his sister and his father at Lot 1 Minitoon. We chat for a while then Kiefer's father call Kiefer and said that he and his sister need to go. It was my first time I met Kiefer at Lot 1. Bye.......

Aaron Teach Me How To Play Badminton

Last Friday Aaron came to my house and teach me how to play badminton.He brought two rackets and five shutter cocks.We first went to the playground to play. Then to the ClubHouse to play because the shutter cock keep on dropping on the top of the wall. And when we were at the ClubHouse, the Manager over there stop us and we had nothing else to play then we take a rest and play other things.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Lizard!

Two days ago, when I was doing my homework, my mother came home from work. When she was about to go in to her room she saw a........LIZARD! Then she scream a lizard! Then I said ''where where!'' When I was looking at it my maid took a ''moltin'' and spread at it and the lizard drop down from the floor.Then my maid took a broom and duster and........ SWEPT it away. Then my grandpa use the dustpan squash it to deaft but it is still no use. And the tail came out of it's body and when the tail was on the floor, it was still moving. I laugh untill my stomach was so painful. That's all for today bye.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Favourite Show!

My favourite show is BPL on Football Channel . It is a football show. It is a show that football clubs V.S. each other to a match. For example Manchested United V.S. Liverpool FC. OK I can't write anymore, my mother is asking me to study, to run, bye!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bad Weather

Today my cousins came to my house. I played with my cousin for a while then I go to my soccer traning. when I reached I played for a while when all my teammates came it started to rain. Then we had no soccer traning. At least I came early and played for a while.

Shopping With My Cousin!

Yesterday I went shopping with my mum,dad and cousin. First we went to my aunt's office to pray then we went to the shopping center. We bought many shirts over there. After that we went tomy aunt's house to eat. Im ate a lot of food over there then I play with my cousin for a while then I went home. I went home about 8.30. It was indeed a fun day!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aaron Came To My House

Yesterday Aaron came to my house. When he reached there, we went to the playground to play. I ask Aaron whether he wanted to soccer he said yes. While playing soccer my friend, Amik, joined us. We for one and a half hour then Amik said he need to go because he got swimming lesson so Aaron I continued playing.Later my maid said its time to go because we played for two hours and so Aaron went home. it was such a fun day!