Sunday, November 23, 2008

OUTING ON 18.11.08

An outing on 18.11.08.. On the way to goat farm, our car run over a little sharp stone and that goes our tyre.. We stopped at a drug rehabilitation center to change our spare tyre with the help from a kind uncle. After that, we drove to a nearby workshop and from there, we carry on with our journey.....

Click to play

Click to play


School holiday so.........boring wish got something to do.


Hey guys..someting great happened.. I have finally got what I wish for. A pet but now I got 2 instead. Last week my daddy's friend gave me 2 hamsters ,one of them is call 小白(little white) and the other is call 快快(dash) but little white and dash are not their English name I translated for reader to have a better understanding on their Chinese name. They are both white. 小白 likes to eat and 快快 likes to exercise.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Today I went to play badminton with my Daddy and Aaron . Daddy taught us the steps, rules and regulation. After that, we have a match and I WON.... YESSSSS

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I still remember last time when I went to the church with my friend, Aaron. To tell you the truth, the church was a little boring, Iwill faint if this carry on for weeks. Of course we played "zah''. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Birthday Party

Today I went to my coursin's birthday party. I met a boy who is in the room playing ''Bakugun'', so I joined him. Fortunately I have brought my bakugan along else I..........know the answer? of couse you know now bye bye.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exam Over

She bang she bang.....My exam finally over... She bang she bang... hoo ray! I am so happy that exam is over because I can play lots of games.X Box, Nintendo DS, PSP, Game Boy, go to cousin's house.......... HERE I COME!!!!!