Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yeah.......Tomorrow is my birthday and I have prepared a lot of goodies for my teachers and classmates. I'll get to meet my cousin, Lim Yun Sun, I address him as Sun Sun. We are going for shopping.. yeah!!! Follow by the next day which is a Labour Day, I think I 'm going to .......VIVO CITY! Yeah!!!



Ho man.........! Exam again! I hate exam period because it freak me out! I will tell you why... it's because I will feel nervous, I will be under a lot of pressure..it..... Ho man....... Fortunately the SA1 had just finished but SA2 is coming on next week! I have a lot of subjects to revise, they are English, Math, Science and Chinese! I hate this term but I will try my very best! Well I'll write again.. bye bye...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Tired but enjoyable day!

Today I went to the hospital to see my grandmother. She is hospitalise because of her low blood pressure. After visiting my grandmother, I went to giant supermarket at IMM to buy goodies. Do you know why I'm buying goodies? Well.. I will tell you... it's because this coming Wednesday, 30th of April is my birthday! I'm looking forward to this day to celebrate my birthday with you guys, dudes! When I reached home, I took a hot bath and had a good rest. Ho man!!! It's a tired but enjoyable day!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday football training

Every Sunday I have football training beside Concord Primary School. My coach name is Kama, we address him as coach Kama. There are 11 or 13 players in the team, 4 of us are from Concord Primary school (Ashraft, Syazwan, Aaron and myself) and in the same class as well.

Today, I have one good news and two bad news to share. Good news is I scored one goal for my team! Bad news are Ashraft is absent today and Syazwan is not in our team because the coach wanted Syazwan to join another team.

I have a great and fun time during training....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday 19th April 2008, 11.29am

This is my 1st time I created this Blogs..

Hope that I can learn to make good use of it and keep myselft updating on new things everyday in my life.....

As usual..once I woke up in the morning, I watched my favourite cartoon channel while taking my breakfast and after I finished my breakfast, I prepared myself for Taekwondo lesson.

In the afternoon after I had my lunch, I went for my swimming lesson and I'm aiming for my Gold award..hopefully able to make it soon..hee.. but before this, I must keep on practice in order to get a shorter timing on the first two laps ....

Thanks to my mummy as she guided me till I completed this blog...

I love you mummy..not forgetting my daddy too... ^.^


I like soccer very much! Do you know which team[club] is the best? Well... it's man utd[Manchester united] because I supported them !They defeated those strong teams like Liverpool and Arsenal but they haven't defeat Chelsea yet and I hope that they will win this time!!!
