Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today I am so boring because there is no soccer training due to bad weather. Too bad, I have to stay at home. Beside this, I am still having fever, so even if there is no rain, mummy will not allow me to go. I have been having fever for 2 days and I have missed my takewondo and swimming lesson. My daddy and Ah gong are not feeling well too, hope that Mummy and Vanda will not get the virus from us! Hmmm..Nothing much to do, I just rest as the medicine make me drowsy. Sleep...sleep...sleep... Ops! forgot to mention that I did spent about 4 hrs on computer with my cousin, sun. Hee..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dinner at Sun's house on 11/05/08

Today after soccer I went to my cousin, sun's house as he invited me over for dinner. As usual, I bath at his house as I am all wet as I perspire a lot during my soccer training. Po Po (Sun's grandmother) was a great cook, she prepared a lot of dishes including my favourite crab, soup, noodles etc. After the dinner Sun, Alastair and I went into the room for electronic games. While I was playing gameboy, mischievous Aloysius came in and disturb me. I have to shout for help and Auntie Kim came and brought him to the living room. Finally, we are able to continue our game with peace. Oh lah, oh lah, oh lah, oh lah. Oh man...time to go home..

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Whenever I'm with my cousins, I felt very happy and I enjoyed their accompany. I have 5 cousins in total. I will introduce them one by one.
I started off with the youngest one. Aloysius, he is a 4 years old little boy, he is 100% playful and always get scolding from his daddy but he is a honest boy as he will admit that he fart whenever he does hee.... Next is Lim Yun Sun, I address him as Sun Sun. He is a 8 years old boy and we get along very well. At time, we do fight over some issue but we forgot about it within a second. Follow by is Junise, she is 8 years old as well and must beware of her as she is very fierce. Martin is her brother, he is a 10 years old boy, he is a bold boy as he always ride on his bicycle alone without companion. Sometime he will get lots of bruises on his hands, legs etc after a fall from his ride. Last is Alastiar, he is Aloysius's brother, he is also 10 years old with a small tummy (as he ate a lot), big built with tan skin. He is quite talented as he can play piano and a member from his school band too. That's about my lovely cousins, definitely there are more to talk about them but due to time constrain, I have to end my writing now.


Let me tell you one joke ok. Now let's begin.

One day Shut Up, Manners and Trouble went to the playground to play. Manner went to the toilet and Trouble went missing. Shut Up went to the police station.

Police man:What is your name.
Shut Up: Shut Up
Police man:Where is your manners.
Shut Up:In the toilet.
Police man: Are you here to find trouble.
Shut Up: Yes!
Ha ha ha........don't you find it funny ha ha ha.....well I will write again! Bye bye!