Saturday, May 3, 2008


Whenever I'm with my cousins, I felt very happy and I enjoyed their accompany. I have 5 cousins in total. I will introduce them one by one.
I started off with the youngest one. Aloysius, he is a 4 years old little boy, he is 100% playful and always get scolding from his daddy but he is a honest boy as he will admit that he fart whenever he does hee.... Next is Lim Yun Sun, I address him as Sun Sun. He is a 8 years old boy and we get along very well. At time, we do fight over some issue but we forgot about it within a second. Follow by is Junise, she is 8 years old as well and must beware of her as she is very fierce. Martin is her brother, he is a 10 years old boy, he is a bold boy as he always ride on his bicycle alone without companion. Sometime he will get lots of bruises on his hands, legs etc after a fall from his ride. Last is Alastiar, he is Aloysius's brother, he is also 10 years old with a small tummy (as he ate a lot), big built with tan skin. He is quite talented as he can play piano and a member from his school band too. That's about my lovely cousins, definitely there are more to talk about them but due to time constrain, I have to end my writing now.

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