Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Dead Bird!

Hey guys, do you know what I saw after school? When I was on my way back from school, Yuan Sheng and I saw something that very disgusting... we saw a dead bird with a pool of blood and it intestine out from it stomach...yurks....
Oh man... that scene kept flashing in my mind and I think I will be having nightmare tonight..
Got to go as I am feeling tired... bedtime...Zzzzz


Alastair Lim said...

Hi Linus, how are you?? If I were you I would say eewwwww... I can imagine what you saw, I have seen a dead cat almost thrice. I got to go see you on Saturday(28-6-08)

aaronchang said...

i can imagine what was coming out and the pool of blood but it was so awsome.