Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Children's Day

Yeah today is Children's day. I am so happy because I don't have to go school. My mother said that ..........I CAN GO IMM!!!!!! I'm am so happy. hoooooooooooooh ray!

To be continue...................

Crystalyn's A Loser

Last two days my friends came over to my house to do project. They are Crystalyn,Aaron and Xin Hui. My mother bought us some cakes for us to eat. Then about 1 hr later Aaron started to make fun of Crystalyn name. He called her: Fei Fei, Ah Fei , Black Crystal and Crystal. Then Crystalyn said..........''I will get nasty when I'm angry.'' So I change the ''nasty'' to ''rusty'' so I said ''Or you should said I will get rusty when I'm angry.'' Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....hahahahahahahaha then Aaron started calling her black Robot hahahahahahah! Oh man..................g..........o.......t.....t....o............g......o......

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Last two days I went to play badminton with my father,mother and my uncle. We played double. I team up with my father and my mother team up with my uncle.Me and my father kept on wining my mother and uncle. Then after that we play single. I played with my father once and my uncle once but my mother complained that her leg wan pain I had a great time playing badminton. After that my cousin came and my mother asked them whether they wanted to eat steamboat. They said yes. After eating steamboat, we went to Mustafa. We bought shoes over there and I am the only one who had not bought a shoe. Oh man! See you next time.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tomorrow's SA2 Oral Exam!

Tomorrow I will be having my SA2 oral exam and I am feeling nervous! My mother told me not to be nervous but I am still nervous. I only can stop being nervous after my SA2 exams.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Master Of Badminton

Yesterday Me, Aaron,Amik and my maid played badminton upstairs the club house. First me and Aaron V.S. each other and Amik V.S. my maid. Later I won Aaron and Amik won my maid then me and Amik face each other. Amik and I played the game of 10 mins then.........OVER! I couldn't believe He won me. Well also he is more powerful than me. Later Amik's brother ,Advik, came and he brought his ball to play with us. then later, Amik's friends,Nigle,Nigle's brother and Amis friend( I don's no what's his name ). We played together for one hour then.........Bye!