Wednesday, October 1, 2008


does A.B.C. mean? He told his teacher that he did not know what A.B.C means. The teacher said, "Go home and ask your parents. Let me know what does A.B.C. mean on Monday."John went home and ask his grandmother. As his grandmother was watching her favourite show, she told him to "shut up!". Next, he asked his sister who was in the bathroom what does A.B.C. mean. His sister sang, "In the toilet, in the toilet". In the afternoon, he asked his brother who just came home with his girlfriend. His brother said "Come on baby, come on baby".The next morning, on his way to his auntie's house, John went to the candy stall to buy some sweets. He asked the stall owner what does A.B.C. mean. Instead of answering him, the stall owner asked a little girl which candy does she want. The girl replied, "The biggest one". When John reached his auntie's house, he asked his auntie the same question. The auntie said "So comfortable" as she sat on the new sofa which was delivered a while ago.John went back to school on Monday. His teacher asked him what does A.B.C. mean? John said "Shut up!" His teacher asked him where are his manners and he sang "In the toilet, in the toilet". The teacher was angry and asked him if he wants to go to the principal's office. John replied, "Come on baby, come on baby. ". In the principal office, the principal asked John which cane does he want. John said, "The biggest one ". After the principal gave John two super hard stoke on his buttock, he said, "So comfortable".


Anonymous said...

wow, your joke is so funny!
where did you hear this fantastic joke?

Alastair Lim said...

Hey linus, you finally posted my joke on your blog:) Thanks!

Mrs Sexy Lover said...

Linus,I love your jokes,where do u get it?