Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today I am so boring because there is no soccer training due to bad weather. Too bad, I have to stay at home. Beside this, I am still having fever, so even if there is no rain, mummy will not allow me to go. I have been having fever for 2 days and I have missed my takewondo and swimming lesson. My daddy and Ah gong are not feeling well too, hope that Mummy and Vanda will not get the virus from us! Hmmm..Nothing much to do, I just rest as the medicine make me drowsy. Sleep...sleep...sleep... Ops! forgot to mention that I did spent about 4 hrs on computer with my cousin, sun. Hee..


Alastair Lim said...

Wah, no wonder you are sick. You spent 4hrs at the computer and did not rest....(You must be MAD) I hope you feel much better....

aaronchang said...

yeah it was so so so so so boring.If i were u I would play something in my house but since u have fever u still cant play football.U should rest u know playing 4 hrs is mad dont u know.If u play another 4 hrs your brain will go caboooooooooooooooooom.Hahahaha.