Sunday, November 23, 2008

OUTING ON 18.11.08

An outing on 18.11.08.. On the way to goat farm, our car run over a little sharp stone and that goes our tyre.. We stopped at a drug rehabilitation center to change our spare tyre with the help from a kind uncle. After that, we drove to a nearby workshop and from there, we carry on with our journey.....

Click to play

Click to play


School holiday so.........boring wish got something to do.


Hey guys..someting great happened.. I have finally got what I wish for. A pet but now I got 2 instead. Last week my daddy's friend gave me 2 hamsters ,one of them is call 小白(little white) and the other is call 快快(dash) but little white and dash are not their English name I translated for reader to have a better understanding on their Chinese name. They are both white. 小白 likes to eat and 快快 likes to exercise.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Today I went to play badminton with my Daddy and Aaron . Daddy taught us the steps, rules and regulation. After that, we have a match and I WON.... YESSSSS

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I still remember last time when I went to the church with my friend, Aaron. To tell you the truth, the church was a little boring, Iwill faint if this carry on for weeks. Of course we played "zah''. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

Birthday Party

Today I went to my coursin's birthday party. I met a boy who is in the room playing ''Bakugun'', so I joined him. Fortunately I have brought my bakugan along else I..........know the answer? of couse you know now bye bye.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exam Over

She bang she bang.....My exam finally over... She bang she bang... hoo ray! I am so happy that exam is over because I can play lots of games.X Box, Nintendo DS, PSP, Game Boy, go to cousin's house.......... HERE I COME!!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Just A Pet Please.....

Every time when I saw my mother I will ask her a question '' Can I have another pet please......I don't care whether it is a monkey,parrot,lion,tiger,tortoise,rabbit,mouse,house,hamster,fish or what ever thing I JUST WANT A PET!My mum always said NO NO NO HEH oh man....... I think I won't get a pet any more.

Beast Quest

Hi all today i am going to tell you my favourite book. My favourite book is Beast Quest. Beast Quest is an adventure book. The story is about a young boy name Tom. He has a partner. She is call Elerna, her dog Silver and Tom's horse Storm. His job is to free those beast who were under Mavle's spell............

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

End Of School Holiday

Oh man why can't school holiday get any slower...........Oh man. No time to play only shopping,shopping and shopping. Oh man. At least I get to play my...........................PSP! Ha ha ha ha lose. Gole!nice game.


does A.B.C. mean? He told his teacher that he did not know what A.B.C means. The teacher said, "Go home and ask your parents. Let me know what does A.B.C. mean on Monday."John went home and ask his grandmother. As his grandmother was watching her favourite show, she told him to "shut up!". Next, he asked his sister who was in the bathroom what does A.B.C. mean. His sister sang, "In the toilet, in the toilet". In the afternoon, he asked his brother who just came home with his girlfriend. His brother said "Come on baby, come on baby".The next morning, on his way to his auntie's house, John went to the candy stall to buy some sweets. He asked the stall owner what does A.B.C. mean. Instead of answering him, the stall owner asked a little girl which candy does she want. The girl replied, "The biggest one". When John reached his auntie's house, he asked his auntie the same question. The auntie said "So comfortable" as she sat on the new sofa which was delivered a while ago.John went back to school on Monday. His teacher asked him what does A.B.C. mean? John said "Shut up!" His teacher asked him where are his manners and he sang "In the toilet, in the toilet". The teacher was angry and asked him if he wants to go to the principal's office. John replied, "Come on baby, come on baby. ". In the principal office, the principal asked John which cane does he want. John said, "The biggest one ". After the principal gave John two super hard stoke on his buttock, he said, "So comfortable".


when I went to IMM I saw many things over there. First I went to Popular. I bought a book name Beast Quest over there. After that I went to eat my dinner. My parents brought me to MacDonald to eat my lunch. Then we went To Giant to buy something. We bought hams, fruits,breads etc.After that we went home.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Children's Day

Yeah today is Children's day. I am so happy because I don't have to go school. My mother said that ..........I CAN GO IMM!!!!!! I'm am so happy. hoooooooooooooh ray!

To be continue...................

Crystalyn's A Loser

Last two days my friends came over to my house to do project. They are Crystalyn,Aaron and Xin Hui. My mother bought us some cakes for us to eat. Then about 1 hr later Aaron started to make fun of Crystalyn name. He called her: Fei Fei, Ah Fei , Black Crystal and Crystal. Then Crystalyn said..........''I will get nasty when I'm angry.'' So I change the ''nasty'' to ''rusty'' so I said ''Or you should said I will get rusty when I'm angry.'' Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....hahahahahahahaha then Aaron started calling her black Robot hahahahahahah! Oh man..................g..........o.......t.....t....o............g......o......

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Last two days I went to play badminton with my father,mother and my uncle. We played double. I team up with my father and my mother team up with my uncle.Me and my father kept on wining my mother and uncle. Then after that we play single. I played with my father once and my uncle once but my mother complained that her leg wan pain I had a great time playing badminton. After that my cousin came and my mother asked them whether they wanted to eat steamboat. They said yes. After eating steamboat, we went to Mustafa. We bought shoes over there and I am the only one who had not bought a shoe. Oh man! See you next time.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tomorrow's SA2 Oral Exam!

Tomorrow I will be having my SA2 oral exam and I am feeling nervous! My mother told me not to be nervous but I am still nervous. I only can stop being nervous after my SA2 exams.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Master Of Badminton

Yesterday Me, Aaron,Amik and my maid played badminton upstairs the club house. First me and Aaron V.S. each other and Amik V.S. my maid. Later I won Aaron and Amik won my maid then me and Amik face each other. Amik and I played the game of 10 mins then.........OVER! I couldn't believe He won me. Well also he is more powerful than me. Later Amik's brother ,Advik, came and he brought his ball to play with us. then later, Amik's friends,Nigle,Nigle's brother and Amis friend( I don's no what's his name ). We played together for one hour then.........Bye!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Last Saturday I met Kiefer,his sister and his father at Lot 1 Minitoon. We chat for a while then Kiefer's father call Kiefer and said that he and his sister need to go. It was my first time I met Kiefer at Lot 1. Bye.......

Aaron Teach Me How To Play Badminton

Last Friday Aaron came to my house and teach me how to play badminton.He brought two rackets and five shutter cocks.We first went to the playground to play. Then to the ClubHouse to play because the shutter cock keep on dropping on the top of the wall. And when we were at the ClubHouse, the Manager over there stop us and we had nothing else to play then we take a rest and play other things.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Lizard!

Two days ago, when I was doing my homework, my mother came home from work. When she was about to go in to her room she saw a........LIZARD! Then she scream a lizard! Then I said ''where where!'' When I was looking at it my maid took a ''moltin'' and spread at it and the lizard drop down from the floor.Then my maid took a broom and duster and........ SWEPT it away. Then my grandpa use the dustpan squash it to deaft but it is still no use. And the tail came out of it's body and when the tail was on the floor, it was still moving. I laugh untill my stomach was so painful. That's all for today bye.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Favourite Show!

My favourite show is BPL on Football Channel . It is a football show. It is a show that football clubs V.S. each other to a match. For example Manchested United V.S. Liverpool FC. OK I can't write anymore, my mother is asking me to study, to run, bye!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bad Weather

Today my cousins came to my house. I played with my cousin for a while then I go to my soccer traning. when I reached I played for a while when all my teammates came it started to rain. Then we had no soccer traning. At least I came early and played for a while.

Shopping With My Cousin!

Yesterday I went shopping with my mum,dad and cousin. First we went to my aunt's office to pray then we went to the shopping center. We bought many shirts over there. After that we went tomy aunt's house to eat. Im ate a lot of food over there then I play with my cousin for a while then I went home. I went home about 8.30. It was indeed a fun day!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aaron Came To My House

Yesterday Aaron came to my house. When he reached there, we went to the playground to play. I ask Aaron whether he wanted to soccer he said yes. While playing soccer my friend, Amik, joined us. We for one and a half hour then Amik said he need to go because he got swimming lesson so Aaron I continued playing.Later my maid said its time to go because we played for two hours and so Aaron went home. it was such a fun day!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


We have a new soccer coach since last week! I like his method of training as I enjoyed it very much. For the first half, he taught us the tactic to tackle the ball. As for the second half, we have a friendly match and we need to apply those tactic on the match.

I am looking forward to the next Sunday.....

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Grandfather's Birthday!

This evening we celebrated our grandfather's birthday ! We have a great BBQ party and lots of fun in the pool. My mummy must be new with her hand phone as all those photo that she took during the night are not clear .... can't see very clearly on our handsome face..hee..

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hey guys, today is the first time I wore my new PE t-shirt. My mummy said that this new design was very COOL ! This shirt has no button and not necessary to tuck in. WOO HOO.......
When my teacher, Mr Ying, saw me with this t-shirt, he asked ''Why did you wear this shirt?'' Then My classmate, Syazwan, replied ''That's our school new PE t-shirt !!!''.
This design must be real cool as an auntie even commented that it was very nice while I was in bus 300!
Time to go bed..catch up with you guys again..

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Dead Bird!

Hey guys, do you know what I saw after school? When I was on my way back from school, Yuan Sheng and I saw something that very disgusting... we saw a dead bird with a pool of blood and it intestine out from it stomach...yurks....
Oh man... that scene kept flashing in my mind and I think I will be having nightmare tonight..
Got to go as I am feeling tired... bedtime...Zzzzz

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today I am so boring because there is no soccer training due to bad weather. Too bad, I have to stay at home. Beside this, I am still having fever, so even if there is no rain, mummy will not allow me to go. I have been having fever for 2 days and I have missed my takewondo and swimming lesson. My daddy and Ah gong are not feeling well too, hope that Mummy and Vanda will not get the virus from us! Hmmm..Nothing much to do, I just rest as the medicine make me drowsy. Sleep...sleep...sleep... Ops! forgot to mention that I did spent about 4 hrs on computer with my cousin, sun. Hee..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dinner at Sun's house on 11/05/08

Today after soccer I went to my cousin, sun's house as he invited me over for dinner. As usual, I bath at his house as I am all wet as I perspire a lot during my soccer training. Po Po (Sun's grandmother) was a great cook, she prepared a lot of dishes including my favourite crab, soup, noodles etc. After the dinner Sun, Alastair and I went into the room for electronic games. While I was playing gameboy, mischievous Aloysius came in and disturb me. I have to shout for help and Auntie Kim came and brought him to the living room. Finally, we are able to continue our game with peace. Oh lah, oh lah, oh lah, oh lah. Oh man...time to go home..

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Whenever I'm with my cousins, I felt very happy and I enjoyed their accompany. I have 5 cousins in total. I will introduce them one by one.
I started off with the youngest one. Aloysius, he is a 4 years old little boy, he is 100% playful and always get scolding from his daddy but he is a honest boy as he will admit that he fart whenever he does hee.... Next is Lim Yun Sun, I address him as Sun Sun. He is a 8 years old boy and we get along very well. At time, we do fight over some issue but we forgot about it within a second. Follow by is Junise, she is 8 years old as well and must beware of her as she is very fierce. Martin is her brother, he is a 10 years old boy, he is a bold boy as he always ride on his bicycle alone without companion. Sometime he will get lots of bruises on his hands, legs etc after a fall from his ride. Last is Alastiar, he is Aloysius's brother, he is also 10 years old with a small tummy (as he ate a lot), big built with tan skin. He is quite talented as he can play piano and a member from his school band too. That's about my lovely cousins, definitely there are more to talk about them but due to time constrain, I have to end my writing now.


Let me tell you one joke ok. Now let's begin.

One day Shut Up, Manners and Trouble went to the playground to play. Manner went to the toilet and Trouble went missing. Shut Up went to the police station.

Police man:What is your name.
Shut Up: Shut Up
Police man:Where is your manners.
Shut Up:In the toilet.
Police man: Are you here to find trouble.
Shut Up: Yes!
Ha ha ha........don't you find it funny ha ha ha.....well I will write again! Bye bye!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yeah.......Tomorrow is my birthday and I have prepared a lot of goodies for my teachers and classmates. I'll get to meet my cousin, Lim Yun Sun, I address him as Sun Sun. We are going for shopping.. yeah!!! Follow by the next day which is a Labour Day, I think I 'm going to .......VIVO CITY! Yeah!!!



Ho man.........! Exam again! I hate exam period because it freak me out! I will tell you why... it's because I will feel nervous, I will be under a lot of Ho man....... Fortunately the SA1 had just finished but SA2 is coming on next week! I have a lot of subjects to revise, they are English, Math, Science and Chinese! I hate this term but I will try my very best! Well I'll write again.. bye bye...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Tired but enjoyable day!

Today I went to the hospital to see my grandmother. She is hospitalise because of her low blood pressure. After visiting my grandmother, I went to giant supermarket at IMM to buy goodies. Do you know why I'm buying goodies? Well.. I will tell you... it's because this coming Wednesday, 30th of April is my birthday! I'm looking forward to this day to celebrate my birthday with you guys, dudes! When I reached home, I took a hot bath and had a good rest. Ho man!!! It's a tired but enjoyable day!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday football training

Every Sunday I have football training beside Concord Primary School. My coach name is Kama, we address him as coach Kama. There are 11 or 13 players in the team, 4 of us are from Concord Primary school (Ashraft, Syazwan, Aaron and myself) and in the same class as well.

Today, I have one good news and two bad news to share. Good news is I scored one goal for my team! Bad news are Ashraft is absent today and Syazwan is not in our team because the coach wanted Syazwan to join another team.

I have a great and fun time during training....

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday 19th April 2008, 11.29am

This is my 1st time I created this Blogs..

Hope that I can learn to make good use of it and keep myselft updating on new things everyday in my life.....

As usual..once I woke up in the morning, I watched my favourite cartoon channel while taking my breakfast and after I finished my breakfast, I prepared myself for Taekwondo lesson.

In the afternoon after I had my lunch, I went for my swimming lesson and I'm aiming for my Gold award..hopefully able to make it soon..hee.. but before this, I must keep on practice in order to get a shorter timing on the first two laps ....

Thanks to my mummy as she guided me till I completed this blog...

I love you mummy..not forgetting my daddy too... ^.^


I like soccer very much! Do you know which team[club] is the best? Well... it's man utd[Manchester united] because I supported them !They defeated those strong teams like Liverpool and Arsenal but they haven't defeat Chelsea yet and I hope that they will win this time!!!
